Tuesday 18 October 2011

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle or "Devil's Triangle" is a triangular-shaped area off the coast of Florida that is famous for reports in which strange disappearances occur and magnetic compasses go haywire.  The area is situated in the Atlantic Ocean and is generally thought of as having apexes at Miami, Bermuda, and San Juan.  This area contains some of the deepest sub-oceanic trenches in the world,  encompasses the fast-moving waters of the Gulf Stream,  and has frequent strong water spouts and violent storms, making at least some of the reported odd phenomena attributable to human error or mishap.
The US Coast Guard acknowledges the fact that there are definite environmental anomalies in this area, but goes on to say that human error is by far the more bizarre phenomena that happens in these waters.  The area sustains heavy traffic, both by air and by sea,  and certainly accidents are bound to happen. Inexperienced mariners or pilots who don't take into account variations in compass readings or environmental anomalies in the area can and do get into serious trouble, accounting for many of the unexplained disappearances in the area.
However, even if every one of these stories were found to be attributable to human error or natural phenomena, the area is still fascinating for other reasons, not the least of which includes speculation that it encompasses the lost continent of Atlantis, and that it is a doorway to other dimensions. There is also speculation that the seabed in this area contains huge amounts of methane gas that is released suddenly due to changes in the sea bed, releasing large, unpredictable plumes of gas that have the capability to swallow ships or planes within minutes - without a trace.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Our Professors Trip

Professor Hedley’s Trip

He travelled to the Niah Caves in East Malaysia about 30 years ago from Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan or BSB for short. He went with his wife and his elder daughter.
At first they travelled by car till they reached a river and then they used the ferry to cross it. They headed out in the morning and got to their destination around late afternoon/sunset. Once they got there they used a small boat to get to the caves.
He stayed at a government rest house during the time he was there. One of the amazing sights they got to see is the climbing of men inside the cave retrieving the birds’ nests, and they use those birds’ nests to make soup since they believed that it was very healthy. Unfortunately the cave had a very bad stench due to all the bird waste.
They stayed for that day and then headed back on the next. 

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Day One in Communication Class

My first day attending my communication class, pretty interesting so far. Spent the first 20 minutes introducing ourselves. Looks like a promising day.